Testimonial Zoe ES

Find nature in beauty with Zoé

The company in short

A made in Italy cosm-ethic line

Zoé’s product range is available online and in organic perfumeries, herbalists’ shops or parapharmacies.

“Gli ingredienti sono sottoposti a lunghe ricerche per valutarne l'efficacia, ma anche il potenziale impatto ambientale”

Chiara Catalani:

Founder, Research & Development Manager

Interview with Zoé

Who your product is intended for?

What makes your brand unique?

Why did you choose Flexie?

What if Flexie was an emoji?

Francesca Candian:

Marketing & Sales Manager


Flat pouch

Naturally Sparkling: the flat pouches created by Zoé stand out with their shimmering details.

9x18 and 8x14 cm sizes

Flat pouches optimise space allowing the packs to be easily stored inside display boxes.

Metallic material

Ideal to make laminated effects in different colours on some details of the design, with glossy and shining finish.

Resealable ziplock

The ziplock makes opening the pouch easier improving the final user experience.

Single subject printing

Single subject printing allowed the customisation of each product of the cosmetic line with a dedicated design.

Be inspired by Flexie's testimonials

Talk about how our story started

Together we created a unique pack: it’s time to share this experience

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